ArcticFox has been updated in the Fienix software repositories to version 43.0. Version 43 is a major release, with many bug fixes, JavaScript enhancement and fixes, and security updates.
Note that the application name has been updated from "Arctic Fox" to ArcticFox, and the home data directory has been changed. While Fienix will handle the application name without intervention, you will need to re-import your bookmarks and custom extensions or rename the home data directory from '~/.org.wickix/Arctic Fox' to '~/org.multix/ArcticFox'. See below for instructions on renaming the home data directory.
Many thanks to Riccardo Mottola, the developer of ArcticFox. Additionally, thanks to Christian Zigotzky for providing PowerPC Linux binaries.
Renaming the ArcticFox home data directory:
1) Open MATE Terminal (Menu > System Tools > MATE Terminal).
2) Enter the following command: mv '~/.org.wicknix/Arctic Fox' '~/.org.multix/ArcticFox'